
J.Rose is the pen name of Jernell Rosenthal. He's currently residing in Chicago by way of Kankakee, IL where he grew up and went to high school. He graduated in 1997 and attended college at Eastern Illinois University. He graduated in 2002 with a BFA in graphic design. At the present he's pursuing a Master's in Education. He says "My hopes are to one day reach the young black community through my writings and eventually lectures." He's in the process of putting together a book of poetry and you can check his website: www.jrosenthal.freeservers.com for more information. He has aspirations to be published by late 2004 and says "for all my real poetry enthusiasts check for my name in a plethora of poetry contests this summer!"

You can contact Mr. Rosenthal via e-mail at cujr112002@yahoo.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by J.Rose


Conspiracy Theory
I Want To
Perfect Completion
Vetta K
We Need A Resolution or Revolution

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