
by Jeanarre M. Davis

 Love has many levels
Different heights and depths
Many paths to travel
My soul had been searching for yours
Covering every path
Unlocking every door
Trying to stay hopeful
And keep my mind positive
But until now it had been unsuccessful
I found what I needed to believe
I know how you feel
I understand what you think of me

But, there is always a ‘but’
A caution that remains unhopeful
A door that is always shut
A question to ask 
That is never answered
A goodbye that is known somehow
There is always a place never seen
A path never traveled
A reality never dreamed
There is always a danger zone ignored
A glimpse leading nowhere
An understanding that’s needed no more

Papi by Jeanarre M. Davis

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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