My Kinda Man

by Jeanarre M. Davis

My kinda-man is neither here
Nor there
Nor anywhere in-between

He’s set
While he’s loose
He’s secure
While he proves
What he can do 
If a breeze brought a challenge by
My Ooh My… Ugh My,
My Kinda-man is ruthless 
While he’s rugged
He’s soothing 
While he’s stubborn
He’s repetitive 
While he has a hint of spontaneity

Crystal is the clarity of his means
Yet it can be as smoky as a forest
Blazed higher than its oldest resident 

My Kinda-man is wondrous
Yet over the top of everything 
While hiding under radar of what’s left

You see him as a man
They see him that man
I with my trained eye know him as My Kinda-Man
I know he’s kinda-that
He’s kinda-this
He’s kinda-a-risk

Least his actions are
His intentions are kinda unknown 
Often second guessed 
Then left alone

My Kinda Man by Jeanarre M. Davis

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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