Hey girlfriend,
Let me tell you that it’s okay
I’ve been there
Right where
You’re standing at now
So my point of view
Is no less than first class
Of what you’re going through
You say that you’re cold
Well I’ve been cold
And used electric heaters too weak
Had to double and triple up on wool sweaters
And pray to catch even a small wave of heat
And I’ve turned on the stove
And boiled water for tea
Tried to let the warmth fill me
Only on the inside
While the hot crept through the room
Which was only a prayer if someone found a match
And had the luck for a spark to catch
You say that there’s no light
Well I’ve had my share of darkened days
A thousand candles can only illuminate so much
The light of hope let me know
The hard road ahead wasn’t so tough
Yes I’ve been still
Only listening to the quiet sounds
Paranoid in the stillness surrounding me
Trying to estimated the time once again
Death would be blessedly welcomed
You say you’re isolated
Well I’ve been shut out
Alone and lonely
Full of desperation
Tried to convince myself of the logical explanation
And I’ve been there talking with no one
The real people I know but cannot hear me
Role-playing conversations in my mind
Predicting advice and jokes for hours at a time
I’ve been weak and hungry
Malnutritional and financial
But the lessons I learned through life’s trials
Are priceless
And life has taught me through many miles
I’ve learned the craft
Preparing meals for four
Out of mere pocket change
Fasts that still have me amazed
So listen girlfriend
Trust me when I say that I have cried
And just like you
I too
Prayed and hoped and even tried to lie to myself
To convince myself that tomorrow the nightmare
I had to be in would cease
But not even in disbelief
Was I that naive
To let my mind conceive
The fact that
I could change the situation
I was facing
Without doing anything at all
I pulled my shoulders back and stood tall
I pushed up my sleeves
Worked hard
Prayed harder
Tried till I could go on no longer
Then found the strength
Became stronger
And went on
And now I continue
Just as I know you do