
by Jeanarre M. Davis

It’s so easy to get placed
Trapped somewhere unknown
Lost in time and space
Needing to find a way out
By finding a way in
So may doors lead to darkness
Others only a dead end
You can cry tears of pain
Bleed red and thick like a warrior
Sweat from trying over again
But it won’t matter

You can only pray to heaven
Fall down on your wounded knees
Let HIM pick you up
And remove your agony

How is it possible to start over
When there is no where to begin
And the only clues and hints
Are bruises and scars which will never mend

How can it be allowed
For one soul to bear so much
(Listen to me rambling on)
My life ain’t been so tough

But it may depend on whom you ask
My mother perhaps she’ll let you know
Though I won’t see her
Until God calls me home

My father may be better 
Travel by the lake, desert, beach, or bar
I’m not certain
Call me if you get a postcard

The lover I have loved 
Since my heart knew how
He’ll tell you any answer you wish
Such a man never existed until now

There are children in need
And whole villages worse off then me
I have no merit to complain
I am just a broken piece

Broken by Jeanarre M. Davis

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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