No Fear of a Black Woman

by Johnny Brooks

I have no fear
        of any black woman
        I have the understanding,
        and the knowledge,

That the black woman has advanced
In education
        her ability is to show the world
        that she has a place in society
        not by looks, but the wisdom
        of herself

She is a front runner for her race
        back in history during slavery
        she had the strength to help
        her people

She has decided that her time is here,
        she expresses her reason for
        what she is doing,
Taking step by step. When she reached
        the top step,  she can look around
        and  look forward.
        she does not need to look down,
        because of herself.
        she will look up and say
        I have made it. I've reached
        the top step her last words
Are with God,  you are my maker
        without your blessing
        I would have stumbled

No Fear of a Black Woman by Johnny Brooks

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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