
by Jazerai

I want to urge your love out of your caged breast
And smother it with my soul
I want to help you release the fear of moving from
boy hood
to MAN hood
bridging the gap between your daddy's love and mine
I want to be the mirror to your heart song
taste the sweat in your tears
heal your wounded pride with my womanhood
if you let me

see my brotha

I have grabbed your ribs until my hands bled
begging to be let in
my soul has screamed at the top of it's lungs
from Utopia's gate

you have yet to let the thought of infinite possibility
live inside of your love

so here I stand
hands bleeding
bearing gifts of understanding
and I wait
for your heart to let me in.

Waiting by Jazerai

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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