All or Nothing

by Jazerai

It's all or nothing this time...
I keep searching my mind
for some kind
of excuse
to take you
but I can't
I won't subject my cortex
to such mental drain
or my heart to any more pain
but I'll remember 
that it's all or nothing this time...
and to move forward 
I can't allow you to lower 
my self esteem anymore
I have to pick myself up
off the floor
and walk on
it's best that you're gone
because now there's room for someone
to come in 
and win
my body, soul and mind
because it's all or nothing this time...
and he will the epitome
of everything you WEREN'T
he won't hurt me like you did
he won't use me like you did
he won't throw temper tantrums like a LITTLE KID
and ooohhhh weeee....he'll be so fine!
after all, it's all or nothing this time...
so you go on
no need to turn and see if I'm being strong
because I am
I have no tears for a man
whois full of greed
and needs
more than he can give
to me
instead, I'm looking for a man that gives good head
the EDUCATED kind
no more sorry pick up lines
and wasted time
hey, it's all or nothing this time

All or Nothing by Jazerai

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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