The Pain of Love

by Janel Smith

Hey don't I know you

Yeah I do.  You are my father

So have you been doing all these years
Not wanting to ever see your daughters

Lousy huh.

Well you should 

You're the one that left high and dry

Without ever saying good-bye

Leaving me with no memory of you

What do you smell like? I don't know.  I never saw you

What's really messed up is that I am stuck to know that a man did me wrong

How do you treat men you asked?

Like shit cause that's how you treated me-wrong!!

Will I ever be close to a man and love him unconditionally?

I will never know until the pain that is deep within cease to exist.

You can't begin to understand the pain I feel-

unless you were in my shoes

Walk in my shoes and feel the heavy load that I carry-

All because I feel no one will ever marry me

I wish one day I could see you so the pain

will be directed towards you

but instead I always seem to hurt love ones around me

Daddy wherever you are--I love you

The Pain of Love by Janel Smith

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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