Sunday Nite News

by Jamal Sharif

nigger shot another in the head
nigger shot another in the head
america don't argue that you're
better off dead
glorifyin' weed smokin' nine
millimeter totin' full of rage and scorn
since the day you been born
got no life
no education
no qualifications
no determination
so in the dark you be waitin'
waitin'    waitin'
waitin' for him to come through
someone who looks just like you
cursed since birth so the world's
gotta pay
had the money but
you shot him anyway
nigger shot another in the head
tonight i don't argue
niggas are better off dead

Sunday Nite News by Jamal Sharif

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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