Real Brothers, Please Stand Up...
by Jamal Sharif
A real brother doesn't brag about
taking care of business
He simply does it.
A real brother 'aint no eternal
A real brother is down
He 'aint no quitter.
A real brother forgives the worst
sees the best
He doesn't take advantage of
a woman's kindness
A real brother can say I love you
or I don't
and is telling the truth
A real brother volunteers time
to the community or the youth
A real brother insists on quality
instead of quantity
All you real brothers-
where you be?
His queen, a real brother
truly does adore
In trying times, he 'aint gonna
screw the girl next door
A real brother lives life
with his integrity intact
all I really wanna know is-
where y'all at?
A real brother possesses
more heart than ego
more love than fear
'aint afraid to say
he's shed a tear
Strong black men, you're wanted
More than just a few...
Will all the real brothers
we need you