Attention, Black Man: I'm Down If You Is
by Jamal Sharif
I live to love you
black man
to revere and praise you
black man
to adore and comfort you
to bask in the divine beauty
that is you
black man
I want to love you
only you
let me be your
sun moon and earth
the master to your plan
your salvation
your liberation
oh yes I can
yes I can
if you let me
black man
as long as you
claim and celebrate ME
for the queen
that I am
I'm down
if you is
I don't claim perfection
black man
I've played a part in my
own degradation
black man
I've made mistakes
black man
though on the path of
acceptance and wisdom
black man
I have learned to honor
and respect myself
in the desire to become
an authentic down-ass
bona fide black woman
for me
black man
for us
black man
I'm getting and keepin'
my stuff in order
black man
and if I can
you can
which is why
I'm only as down
as you is
you need to understand
I'm only down
if you're
as down as I am
if you won't rise to your own
kingly occasion
black man
if you're not looking
for solutions
black man
if you want to blame me
and the man
black man
if you let me carry
the burden
our burden
black man
if you want to pimp
my unceasing love
black man
and use my refusal
to accept nonsense
as an excuse to go
fuck white women
black man
I'm not down
'aint down
can't be down
with you
for you
black man
I live to love you
but you gotta
I'm only down
completely down
absolutely down
all the way
if you is
black man.