Listening to Bilal talk about his soul sista I
realized i need a soul mista
a man that will love WHOLEheartedly and not lie
thought i had him
recognized the boy i love as him.
he's lost now in commoness, poison and anger
while many are it still bewilders me
i did it all to the best of my abilities
loved hugged cared smiled...smiled
They lied love is not always patient kind or maybe im just lost
Death didnt take him
but he is not living as he once was when he loved me
honestly i dont understand at all how he transformed into the boy he is
Because when i met my him he was more of a man than anything else
not in his build so much as in his heart actions and capabilities...damn.
my phone doesn't ring with him on the other line
my mailbox never recieves his prose
my heart feels neglected
when i was young they told me i was strong.
now i know
"strong people can still have their feelings hurt"
my eyes stay focused but my soul still cries.
and i find myself searching for him.