
by Jade

telling me what i want to hear
you scared little boy
telling me what i want to hear
you are a liar

you lied for your own conscience's sake
i asked you questions often
your answers were lies

You are happy hopefully
NOW that you are "living"
not "miserable"
but you lied to me

what changed you so much
if not change
what altered your apperance so heavily
that i didnt see all that you really were if it was this?

you hurt me with your lie
or lack of truth in OUR situation
because indeed what else can i call it

you were being selfish
not I
everything you have done
im guessing since february last year sometime....
i cant even imagine
all that you truely are

sadness fills my body when i think of you
and honestly the words that fist appear
Liar selfishness unfulfilling unsuccessful u dont love me.
        one big cherade
        You are the one who should have been in 'colored girls'
        with all your issues...

and be sure to have a happy birthday

Liar by Jade

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