my body is simply poetry in motion
I Personified beauty in '83 and captivated you in '98
so was it worth the wait?
your eyes saw me but before that i saw u
poetry in motion
beauty personified we have something in common
u r like me a creation of God's
a prize
together we are more than any world
could handle or wholeheartedly love
so they turn their attitudes up
when we walk by and talk about us as we pass
Too bad they can't see the simple beauty
of the poetry in motion that we cast
they talk and hate
full of ingnorance toward our bliss
hopefully the beauty will enter their hearts
and the poetry will numb thier sorrow
but we mustn't let their anger poison our rainbow
so instead as they glare, talk and stare
let's marinate in the poetry we create
we'll say a few lines and leave them thirsty
loving what they hate
then like poetry in motion
we will move on.