False Truths

by Jade

So much coming at me
looking so appealing
feeling so real
how much of it was true?
So i realized four years later and four years wasted
u may not have been all sincere
fuck it honestly did u care did u love me
did u really really enjoy every ounce of love
and devotion i poured into u?
i sat and i excused ur lack of action, interest and everything else
now i sit disgusted with my part in this bullshit
once alone im left by myself.
i hugged u and cared and kissed u and cared
i loved u whole-heartedly
then after four years u need to be free
i never held u captive or wished for u in the beginning
but here it goes
u want to be friends
fuck friendship and calls
fuck pretending
and hoping
fuck sobbing lying and telling everyone im ok
im tired im angry i feel stupid
i feel like love raped me emotinally
i a m h u r t i n g!
and what bothers me the most is that i don't know
if it was true love or just false truths.
and im still choking on the fact that u don't want me anymore.
and i'm losing myself in my thoughts and fears
is it all one big false truth
or am im lying for real?

False Truths by Jade

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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