
by Jade

Watched def poetry
shit startin motivating me to express how i feel...

So im at this table typing hoping shit gets heard
and words get felt and positive things start growing
 Im talking about this love shit.
I'm sad over you not feeling quite confident
yet to my astonishment
 got me feeling and doing--acting and crying
sneaking and
Im just trying to express me.
Dammit see me i love U
Lets set it off like a shakesperian sonnet...
what the fuck is our problem
We're wreaking havoc on our hearts
cause I know this shit is affecting you too.
Created feelings cultivating static worse than cellular phones
     our fucking signal keeps fading
Between us
 its crazy like niggas smokin purple haze be
my eyes r tearing and red
THIS love shit is phasing me!
after all our years of aquaintance brother
where is our patience lover
why is it always under-cover that we find comfort and peace
no fruit from our farming no use in discerning
after 4 years of our loving and learning
we r at square one and im yearning...
i deserve more than
"what's really good" cause that shit aint even from the heart
its from the hood.
 I need more than slang and anger
u act like im a stranger
u know what i need u used to give it to me
I used to be ur PRINCESS ur queen
now im always acting so mean and having 'tudes
bein rude and not as wanted
as i wanna be
but im still hoping for affinity between us and
 there used to be poetry when we had no spoken word
we had expression and passion
but now we just
damn we r just sun less
no light no growth and seemingly no way out
Im on some
love is supposed to be everlasting patient and kind
damn ra we got left behind
our level is no longer the top of that hierarchy
now we're at the bottom of
that shit where the untouchables be
and we r not touching see
we dont have heart to hearts or smiles no more.
We r too confused to recognize this shit
we are holding onto is simply a prize

Im sure bitches is trying hard for u
like dead bodies make vultures do
but do they parallel ME?
more than years, words, comfort and tears
boy I LOVE U.

Causation by Jade

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