You Alone

by Isaac 'Slimx'

You alone can feel my pains, you alone know about my tears,
You alone know how I feel, you alone know why I'm vexed,
Lord a touch, I pray you give my soul, then I'll know that all my hurts will dissipate
You alone, Lord can really handle it, you alone can sort it out,

When I'm down, Lord I know you're up, when I faint Lord you have the strength,
when I'm asleep you're awake, and when I cry you're grieve,
when I'm lost, Lord please come search me out, cuz my heart can never know the path,
Lord to you I plead my case, not your judgement but mercies I seek.

Not the one that lay with me, not my mother that brought me forth,
not my friends that laugh with me, not the church that surrounds me,
not my brothers, not my sisters, not my kids, not the mountains, not the rivers, not the seas,
it is you Lord, that know about my sores; you alone can see me through.

Life and death, both are with you, love and hate you feel them all,
Lord my time is short, and you know, soon I'll be gone and be no more
I do not fear death, but Lord I'm afraid of life, cos I stumble everyday along its course,
when I die, lord give me rest, kiss my soul welcome and let it stay.

You Alone by Isaac 'Slimx'

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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