Brotha May I

by Inchanted Being

Brotha May I
ask your name 
and all in the same 
may I ask your criterior
lookin at you seems kinda familiar
a past tense occurance
some sort of a reassurance

Brotha May I
ask your 10 digit status
that will connect my line to yours
stimulating your mind
as we intellecually converse
and maybe talk of whats
for better or for worse

Brotha May I
enter your cypher
and become 180 degrees of the 360
that completes your life

Brotha May I
suppliment your self to become we
or maybe we'll just see

Brotha May I
intrigue your being
with every meaning
I must incline
with every menaing of making you mine

Brotha May I
be that extra on your right
or that compliment on your left
which ever suits you best

Brotha May I
May I talk to you

Brotha May I by Inchanted Being

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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