The Problem With Me

by Hott Koko

The problem with me is that I’m never happy
always looking for reasons to be sad
Well at least that’s what they say
The problem with me is that I’m a drama queen
so high, so low
but never in between
That’s what I hear them say
The problem with me is that I’m too naive
too quick, too willing, too eager to believe
is all I hear them say
The problem with me is my harsh attitude
It seems I’m too negative, too raw, too rude
That’s what I heard them say
The problem with me is my insecurity
too weak, too fragile
She’ll soon break just wait and see
Well at least that’s what they all say 
And I take it in
every syllable, every word forced into my ear
every single comment and insult I hear
But is there some truth to these thoughts I call lies?
Do these qualities appear when you look into my eyes?
Am I really all that they say I am?
Should I change?
Should I  pretend?
Should I even give a damn?
Don’t know where to go, what to do
or who to be
Too much this, not enough that
looking for the answer 
to solve the problem with me

The Problem With Me by Hott Koko

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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