Man on the Side

by Hott Koko

Some say its wrong 
But to me it couldn't be more right
Its not my fault he took me for granted 
And left me alone every night
Lying by the fire I would drown in my tears
My heart sickened with pain
While love songs played throughout my ears
So I said to myself I'm young
And the field is open wide
I love you but you're just a boy
I need a man on the side
Yesterday it was good
But today its not enough
You say I could never leave
But now I'm calling your bluff
The walls are closing in 
And by your rules I can't abide
You're just a boy and what I need
Is a man on the side

Man on the Side by Hott Koko

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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