I Am Love

by Hott Koko

Do you recognize who I am
Well if not then listen closely
Just hear the words and by the end
I’m quite sure that you’ll know me
I am the dream that you experience
While lying asleep at night
I am the blindness known as pleasure
That causes you to lose your sight
I am the beating of your heart
The pounding of your head
I am the emotion that exists
In every word that you said
I am the key to happiness
Sometimes the ruler of pain
And after all else is gone
I am what will still remain
I am the simple feeling
that everyone dreams of
I many things to many people
But in one word 
I am love

I Am Love by Hott Koko

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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