Deeper Than A Poem

by Hott Koko

I wanted to write a poem about you
but then it came to me
that no arrangement of words 
could ever capture your physicality
So with a pen in my hand
a million things running through my head
I sat down, turned on some Sade
and wrote these thoughts instead...

- So fine! Is he really mine?
 I wonder
- Eyes like midnight stars, 
glistening at the sight of me
- Lips equivalent to music
so much rhythm and passion
- Skin so smooth
like it was kissed by the afternoon sun 
- Arms perfect for embracing me
- Fingers like velvet
- Legs so strong and firm 
as if their sole purpose is to stand next to me
I’m so in love
I just wanna watch you while you sleep
stroke your face at night
listen to you speak
feel you breathe
sit with you in silence
just be with you
anytime, anyplace

So you see, 
to simply write a poem could in no way justify
how truly beautiful you are
and could never fully explain why 
I’m so wrapped up in you
and all the little things you do
Because you fill me with so many emotions
that it’s impossible to show them
so much more than a thousand words
You’re deeper than a poem

Deeper Than A Poem by Hott Koko

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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