A poem for my sons
When pain and suffering are all around,
when your tears are soaking the ground,
when the only love you have ever known has turned to hate,
when you can’t remember the last time you ate,
reach deep into your heart
to find the strength to make a new start;
but if your load is too great to bear,
then these few words you are free to share.
Ride the winds of time, like the waves rolling over the ocean,
like leaves dancing in the autumn breeze,
like dust blowing in the wind.
You must learn to believe in tomorrow
and never surrender to hate or sorrow;
because with faith you will all ways win.
So why don’t you ride the wind?
Friends will come and go; while happiness you may never seem to know.
Bills pile up and the rent is always due.
Whatever the crime, it’s always because of you.
People use your name like swear and your significant other is never there.
Yes, sometimes the pain of living can seems too hard to bear;
but please do not despair and heed these words I share.
Believe in love and the goodness from heaven above;
because with faith you will all ways win.
So why don’t you let the ride begin?
The wind is there to blow you to the place where you are supposed to be.
The waves are there to sail you to the shores of perfect harmony.
The dust will remind you that we are all from the stars with one eternity.
The leaves will teach you how to dance and to be free like you ought to be.
Endeavor to let go of yesterday and be at peace like a child at play;
because with faith you will all ways win. So why don’t you ride all the way?
When you fly, don’t be afraid to look down
and marvel at all those ants running around
like people lost and never found.
When you sore, let your soul be free
to fly higher to ever wondrous possibilities.
Soar high enough to see the smiling face of the Son
and to bath the warmth and love of the One.
First forgive yourself and to be at peace with your humanness;
because with faith you will always be given a second chance.
Enjoy the peace that is inside of you
and to forgive those may harm you;
because with faith you will always win,
so why don’t you make faith a friend?
You are initialed to feel your pains, go ahead and grieve over your sorrows,
but never forget about tomorrow; for the winds of fortune are on the way.
Get yea ready; dust off those wings of hope and open up your sails of happiness,
your true Captain is on the way to guide you to the shores of completeness.
Free yourself from rhythm and time
and proclaim to the world, “This life is mine”.
Because with faith you will always win,
so let the dance begin.
Faith has always been your true Captain
forever guiding you here and to the horizons of you happiness.
Yes, with faith you will guide you to peace
and tranquility so let your soul be free
to dance like a leaf in the wind.
Let the dance begin.