Dreaming -- A Commentary on Black Societal Success

by Doug Holloway

Black people have been trained to act and perform in society as deterrents to each others success. In order to succeed in this society we have to conform to the laws of this society. These are laws that were made by and for the majority faction, after all we do live in a majority rule society. That being the case, as a recognized minority, the chances of success for us as a people are slim to none. This may not have been the intent when the founding fathers drew up the constitution but to date, this certainly has been the result. When other minorities enter this society, legally or illegally, they usually reference the methods used during the civil rights movement of the 60s. The failures and successes of the various strategies employed by Black people of that era are used as shining examples of what to do and what not to do in order to achieve success.

Today’s Black social structure is similar to, for lack of a better example at the moment, a “scab nation.” The few that are allowed to succeed and rise to enviable prominence have been bred specifically for that purpose. This breeding consists of attending the right schools, joining the right fraternities or sororities, knowing the right people and having the right contacts in the right places. There is nothing wrong with this method of achievement but these are opportunities that avail themselves to only a handful of representatives of our nation. Since this “breeding” is usually done through family ties and not necessarily through traditional methods, it is accepted as a means to an end and in many cases is looked upon with envy by those unfortunates or not so privileged members of our inner society.

The minority successes and positive achievements that occur within the confines of the “Crab Barrel” are allowed and sometimes tolerated successes. Harold Ford Jr, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Venus and Serena Williams and a few others are shining examples of the heights one can reach through proper breeding, good application and conforming to majority whims. One must not forget that any measure of success can be wiped out in an instant by rumors, credit ratings, personal leaks and other unsavory methods. History has shown us that there is no permanent comfort zone and no Black who has achieved, to any degree, can afford to sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor for too long. Just as one was hand picked, there are many, many more in the “Barrel” anxiously awaiting the same opportunity and more than a few of them are willing to capitalize on that opportunity “by any means necessary.”

How many terrorist are being granted amnesty among those hard working illegals from south of the border? One must remember every, “slave” did not want freedom and those who felt they were well off working in the big house, probably fought just as hard “against” the Northern invasion as those who fought for their freedom. The civil rights activities of the 60s showed us that every Klansman/racist, wasn’t white. There is no question that many Blacks wanted no part of the demonstrations and freedom efforts. There also is no question that all Blacks are likeminded in sharing the benefits and rewards, such as they are, that resulted from these demonstrations. As the Mexicans, legal and illegal, come into this country and make demands, who knows how many of them have been trained in acts of Middle Eastern terrorism. While we consider ratifying the laws to make the transition of some of our newest citizens more hospitable, we, who were forcibly immigrated, are being forced to take another step back. Perhaps we have lost favor with our former captors and owners and our value to the nation has taken a dramatic decline in recent decades. Dr King said, “The fate of the Black Man is inexorably tied to the fate of the white man.” It should’ve been obvious by now that where he goes, we go, what he does, we do and consequently, what he gets, WE GET!

We seem to be the “pets” of white society. Of course it is difficult for anyone to see himself as such, but this may well be the case. Our local and national leaders call the shots for all of us and our dreams of equality, freedom, etc. are merely tolerated until we start to “almost” wake up from our nap. The quest for our goals is much like the story of the donkey, the carrot and the cart. The carrot is always in sight but just out of reach so the donkey pulls the cart. Obviously if the donkey reaches the carrot he’s going to stop pulling the cart and he just might kick the cart to pieces in his anger and frustration. We continue to hang on to the belly of the majority society like “ticks“ on a dog. We continue to survive and in some cases thrive on that which is allowed us.

Now that our position of favor is facing a serious challenge perhaps we, as a people, will be forced to dig in a little deeper, find another vehicle to hitch a ride on, or put ourselves in a position to call our own shots. There is a school of thought that says rightful integration may have been one of the worst things to happen to us as a people. It is evident in many of today’s youth that there is little, if any, motivation. Many young people give the impression that the fight is over and the battle won. Because the hard won “civil” rights, they so readily enjoy today, were bequeathed to them, it is easy for them to feel deserving. The word “free” in Freedom takes on a new purpose in the care of many of today’s young Black people. It has often been said, “The best lessons are the ones you pay for because they are not soon forgotten.” The spoils of war have been handed to them to nurture and preserve but the mindset seems to be one of complacency. Even today, with our “chosen minority” status under constant attack there seems to be no motivation, no cause for concern, certainly no sense of urgency. Too bad, they are sadly mistaken. In any case, the perpetual motion of time has forced an uncertain passing of the baton and a new drum major must step forward to wave the flag, fan the flames and represent with dignity, grace and a forceful attitude of purpose.

A final query: How many immigrants have come into this country in the last 300 or so years with the purpose and intent of trying to emulate Black people? The reality is most Black people aren’t trying to emulate Black people. The majority seem to tolerate each other’s presence, but if preference were honored, many Black neighbors would find themselves neighbor less. Do our achievements as a people represent the fulfillment of “The American Dream“?, I certainly hope not. Dr King’s dream and “The American Dream” closely resemble each other, but they are two entirely different dreams with two entirely different, hoped for, outcomes. As the Reverend Jesse Jackson was fond of saying, “Keep Hope Alive” and as long as we dream our beautiful dream we have hope. Unfortunately though, one day we must wake up and face the ugly reality of “everyday real” life in our Black Society. Perhaps, like the donkey, if we ever reach the carrot that has forever been just out of our reach, we too might stop pulling the cart and kick it to pieces in our frustration and anger.

Dreaming -- A Commentary on Black Societal Success by Doug Holloway

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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