Gone Fishin' To Stand My Ground

by Walter Hinton

                 You had seen him on other days
Making his way slowly against the current
Through your deep white waters
                  Your deep dark dangerous waters
                  The bold beautiful black boy swam
And you longed to catch the prize
                  Now you would have him
                  You would bait him with your presence
                  You would bait him with humiliation
You knew he would be unable to resist
                  Pride of youth would force him to take it
                  He opened wide and angrily his mouth
To take it all deep down his burning insides                
                  You happily reeled him in him as planned
And you gutted him with the law
                  He bled centuries of pain
Out Into your dirty white waters
                  He bled out so much
Into your dirty deep dark dangerous white waters
They flooded the main streets of America
                   America was lightheaded for days
                   America was dizzy with his death
There was so much blood
                   There was so much blood on the streets
It got on everybody's feet
           And then it was on everybody's hands
For almost one week
                   You stood your contrived ground
                   America washed its hands
And settled down into its easy chair
To watch the evening news
                                For Trayvon Martin

Gone Fishin' To Stand My Ground by Walter Hinton

© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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