A black fist was raised on America’s stage
A black fist was raised on America’s stage,
a manifestation of hurt and rage...
a statement was made, and a stand was taken
a truth was spoken and some sleepers awaken...
on America’s stage
Freedom of speech, but don’t speak of freedom
Speak your mind, but mind what you say
The “teacher umm…television,” give’eth AND take’eth… away
You’ll get you airtime, just follow our script,
Be a good boy and don't give us no lip
Kanye said, “G.B.D.C.A.B.P”
Seven LITTLE words,
a bold proclamation of courage and non-compliance
Message sent... ...Message received
Tommie Smith and John Carlos sent a message some years ago...
Did it for the world to see, did on an Olympic stage,
a manifestation of hurt and rage...
Kanye said, “G.B.D.C.A.B.P”
Sadly, those words seem to be true…
What’s even sadder is...We already knew