The Lyracist

by Lyrical Lane

I'm looking for a melody.
Something that will inspire you and me
To get out of our seats and make things jump,
Off the walls and grow into 
Nothing less than a dynasty.
I don't know about you but I'm ashamed of me.
Leaving my children with nothing but scarcity.
Is this my legacy!

It's the sound of the sea, cooling, calm, and calling on me.
It's my guts urgent need to escape this place 
I've called home for years;
Holding me captive,
Nurturing fears,
Absorbing tears.

When all I want is to be free,
Garnished with happiness and serenity;
Lavished in an abundance of good health and peace.
That's where I want to be!
But instead, I am the reining victim of me
Living but dying consecutively
Breathing but choking on inadequacy 

Turn the page, this is Chapter three.
I'm terrified of everything, 
Especially me.
I gambled and I lost literally,
Trading my intentions for debt.
And when the dust settles...
I have me, 
A little talent,
And much regret.

I give honor to God for eloquent words,
That flow and soar like mysterious birds
Through the trees
And through the sky.
I never question the gift
Or waste my time wondering why,
I am the Lyracist.

The Lyracist by Lyrical Lane

© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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