I will never stop struggling against this thing that is me
And when I feel as if I had enough and I can't breathe
I will dig down deep, deep, deep
Into what makes the very heart of me beat on
And to that rhythm I will march relentlessly
There are things that I don't see in the dark
But I know they are there
They breathe, they watch, they stare
Waiting in hunger for me to allow the darkness
To weaken my flesh
But I am thick skinned
I hear them whisper...
"What doesn't take you from this life,
will only make you immune against it.
You have no reason to fear us"
And they laugh, hoping I fall for the lies
And my heart beats on and I stand and I march
And I say back to them...
"You are wrong, What That Isn't There...
What doesn't take you from this life,
Will certainly meet you in the next.
Energy doesn't not change only the flesh."
And I chose to have that energy that is not of you
And I hear them scratch and scurry back into the dark shadows
From which they came
And although there are things that I may not see in the dark
They are most definitely there
So I covet my light
And that is surely
What makes the very heart of me beat on