Ruins of Ventus

by Hakim

I exhale but not in relief
I close my eyes tight and release
And it exist my body like a ghostly breeze 
And I feel my cells recoup like they fought off disease 
And I decompose memories like fallen tree leaves
Leave me in peace 
I beg and plead 
Take my heart and all that is bleeds
Just leave me my pride and set my soul free  
Heaven’s sake--the time that I lost that I sowed from these seeds 
That blossomed as hope and festered to weeds
But yet I still breathe 
And I exhale one last time  
As if with that last breath I can get you out my system
Sometimes we hear the truth when said but don’t listen
I see you in shapes of shadows, clouds and castles 
Shrouds of Apostles I praise you like Pharaohs
I must admit my escape from you was narrow
I barely made it 
You have imbedded yourself in me from my skin to my bone marrow
My very DNA has been altered after consuming every drop of you; you’d give me 
And my addiction grew until I fiend for my next drop of you in me. 
I shut my eyes and breathe in 
And hope that new wind will cleanse me of my despair 
And in my shut lenses its you that appear 
I violently rub my eyes until I see stars 
And burst of lights and you stay stained on my membrane when the lights clear
Remnants of you have been removed from my room 
Pictures burned to ashes and swept up with brooms 
I feel as insecure as my first hour removed from the womb
I put myself in a wall of defense and there I will stay entombed…Undone

Ruins of Ventus by Hakim

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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