Half empty
Half full
Half truth
Half Bull
But either way half gone
Only half as strong as it ever was
I was never right just half as wrong
I can only listen to half of this sad song
The other half is way too long
Half of it missing the one they love
The other half spent begging for them back
I’m not having that
But I realize half of that crap
Is forgetting the half of why I stepped
Half of why it’s over
Is because only half the love was left
The other half was half a mess
Mixed with half of stress
And half of this relationship
we spent having revenge sex
The other half mostly regrets
Only half of hindsight
Win Win?
Nope half of 20/20
Is 10/10
Half of that is 5 by 5
Half the emotions
Half the lies
When half is less
I realized
I think about it only half the time
And if I make it through half this rhyme
I’ll think be half as fine
As I was when I started
Half the first line
Half is whole
If you except half the portion
Half on a baby
Half on the abortion
Half of my grief
Leaves me on half of my feet
And no crutch to stand on
Remembering my support system
Was the other half that’s gone
Half Full
Half Empty
Either way it’s half gone
And through all the fights
I can’t remember
Which half was wrong?