The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants

by Hakim

Hot tea 
cold fall night 
falling leaves 
eyes behind
tall paper cups 
behind locks of black 
Liberian hair 
Questioning stares 
wanting answers 
a smile 
eyes dances 
elbows on a small table 
have no label 
exchange fables 
“once upon a time...”  
yours often happy 
mine left undone 
still you come 
still you stay 
by what if
and what may 
“am I foolish?” 
in many ways, 
but never naïve 
black shirt 
pulled up at the sleeves 
pretty black skin 
ask him 
last whim 
she backs off 
little balls of napkins
ask her 
words seem lost 
a booming economy of emotions 
a recession of thoughts
waist twisted at 90 degrees
chin in palm 
watching me 
what does she see
eyes cringe 
attempt to block my soul’s lens 
so she can’t see in 
excerpt from her 
…end quote
she knows 
none next to her.

The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants by Hakim

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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