Of Brick and Vine

by Hakim

If for nothing else I am here to hold you up 
As a wall holds up the prospering vines
That climbs and climbs
As if to reach the sky to spiral around clouds 
And bound the gates of Heaven’s estate
But without the wall the vines would all fall
And be-nothing more than pestering weeds

Your strength you will find is not the vine
But the will of the wall that stands the test of time
Spots of me shall be corroded by lengthy storms
But still that wall you climb stands strong
What of a brazen wall when the vines are gone
But a shameful structure made to divide- an eye sore

Why is it then when things seem at their worst?
The vines climb halts as if not to share its hurt
But the wall has if only one purpose
To absorb and shelter 
So why then does that vine abandon its climb?
For not for her wall- the vine would then fall

So I sleep, a solid mass not knowing what lies ahead
For the vine is the tangent in emotion 
So I stand, and storms still pass
I weather them for you, hoping you return at last
So I stand, still as the brick man I am, inevitably frozen
You return as you often do 
But only to climb towards skies that are calm and blue

And in your azure effort, your wall wonders why 
He is not thought strong enough to hold you when you pain
And he feels your deepest affect and whispers your name 
As walls will and walls may my talent 
Bestowed on to me is patience, it is my valor
I wear it like a badge of honor 

Honor in silence is the depth of a strong soldier’s heart
And for you I stand strong and silent 
Until your climb resumes 
Whether azure Heavens prevail 
Or darker weather engulfs
For if nothing else I am here to hold you up 

Of Brick and Vine by Hakim

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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