In My Skin

by Starr Greathouse

In my skin
it is a sin
I hold my heart close
They seek to destroy me
I am not as good as the others
I have to walk higher than them
As they stare deep into my skin
Is it the color or my differences?
I agree that I am unique
I wouldn't trade my tan for a million dollars
I take pride in my curly, kinky hair
I can change it like the wind
In my skin.
I have committed no sins
I didn't pick this color 
I was born into it
I am in love with it
So don't hold it against me.
I am striving to survive in this world
Where race is more important than my education and skills
Who made such ignorant rules?
Not asking to bend them for little old me
See me for who I am in my skin,
I didn't commit no sins
I am your friend, mother, daughter, colleague
So let's look beyond the skin
I think that you might see my true heart 
I have feelings deep inside this skin
No more pain please.
Let's move on and work it out

Time is too short to dwell on the past
In my skin.

In My Skin by Starr Greathouse

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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