And...Always I Will

(tribute to the Million Man March)

by G. White

And...I was there
to feel your sweet breath
upon my face
our hearts race
marching in step
to our oneness
and...always i will.

And...I was there
in your flesh
a gathering of us
when you took my hand
and held my heart
in your smile
with confidence
so proud to be
by your side
and...always i will

And... I was there
in the spirit
of your "Black Sea"
God smiling luminously
as i tasted the foam of your tears
spiraling down my breast
to the drumbeat
of our ancestors song
upon these shores
You took my hand
and held it tight
to walk with you
And...Always I will.

And...Always I Will by G. White

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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