
by Gregory A Booker

It happened on a Friday
Just as we said goodbye
A desire to reach and touch you
Without the knowledge of why
But as I thought of you
Lingering like something Past Due
I had to write a poem
Of which I seldom give a clue...
The words used are not enough
and yet if anymore might I mask the touch
So I looked at you with good intentions
As words unsaid were meant to be mentioned
Afraid to reveal more of me to you
Hinting at the object of y desire
It's what went unheard by the Two
Which lit the imaginations of my mind on Fire!

Inspirational Precedent: For a word may go unspoken...
but an emotion will burn the Soul 
                               because of it...

Burning by Gregory A Booker

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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