Woman Verses Nature

by Barbara Evelyn

We hear about "Old Man winter" in reference to the season
But in my opinion, Winter is a woman.
It freezes you out one day, and then it gets quite mild
Soon after we have a major snowstorm and we are all stuck inside.
The snow gets dirty and muddy turning into slush
When in the dead of winter we get a 40 degree rush.
People start wearing T-shirts only to exclaim
The sun is shining but it's freezing cold
My face feels like I've had a shot of Novocain
Injected into my bones.
This changing and unexpectedness is the way some women act
One day nice, the other not.
It's a roller coaster atmosphere that makes you quite confused
But like nature, we agree, that a world without either
Would not be quite complete.

Woman Verses Nature by Barbara Evelyn

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