On Being A Man

by Barbara Evelyn

They say my great grand daddy was a king
Back in the home land
He had 3 wives and many kids
Back in the homeland
There was much jealousy and pain
Back in the homeland
They conspired against the king.
Back in the home land.
They sold him to the slave master 
Who visited the home land
They raped his wives and killed his sons
Back in the homeland
They left my granddad  a baby boy
Back in the home land
Women gave him milk and care
Back in the home land.
Then he got  big and strong one day
He too was captured and brought to their land.
Now he is aware
Fighting in their land.
Fighting for respect,
Fighting for his identity,
Fighting for the right,
Fighting to be anything but a slave
Fighting to be a normal human being. 

On Being A Man by Barbara Evelyn

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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