Miss You Pink

by Victor Darius Graydon

Can I kiss you it's been a long time; 
I remember your lips were hotter than caustic lime.
I knew you missed me and I was on your mind, 
The way you broke down and raised up and let me tongue you from behind.
Come here pink I want to whisper something to you, 
communicating with you like this is well overdue.
Do you understand what I'm saying, please pink let me no, 
Lay back and close your eyes and let me see how far I can make my tongue go.
I love the way your shaking and letting me take control, 
Did my tongue make it, I tried my hardest to reach deep in your soul.
I need you to understand this thing is real, 
Hiding the way I feel about you I can no longer conceal.
Fight with me pink I'm hungry and need to sup, 
I love watching you submit and moan when we kiss and make up.

Miss You Pink by Victor Darius Graydon

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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