Why I Love Blue

by Victor Darius Graydon

Something I hold deep within that I would like to share with you.
I don’t know if words could express why I love blue.

There is no other color hit by a prism of light 
That shows I love you with all its might.

When my son was born you was there, 
He was wrapped in you safe and that showed me you care.

Right then you opened my eyes about your feelings for the first time. 
Just to think of you as a prism of light must surely Be a crime.

Everyone says you represent sorrow and sadness.
 If only they see what I see. Then too they will see clearly that’s madness.

God must think the same as I do. 
Because the most beautiful wonders of the world belong to you.

Just think draping the sky is also you. 
God just took a little color off so heaven can see through.

All the waters of the world would not be a fool. 
They wanted to be represented by a color that’s cool. 

A perfect day. Ok you know it’s you.
Because I love walking a beach and all around me is blue.

Why I Love Blue by Victor Darius Graydon

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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