To the TimBookTu Poets
It's Like Love, Man
Like men without tribes, without sets,
without posses, not possessing a home
but it posesses you, posting in pahtnahs pads,
paying toll to blackened souls
black angles costly pitting your every groan,
dap unearned and crab syndrome
It's like Love,
Impossible to own
It's like Love, Man
Hard as the path upon which you creep,
slanging capital semen, don't see men
but cream them, like pussies of the night,
the heaps of compost upon which they eat,
like midnight dogs who fuck in the street
It's like Love
The come we can't defeat
T's like Love, Man
The secret you are bound to not tell,
a slick ass sistah with chip in the cell,
the pager number and no home phone,
car she drives without pink slip,
the scent of her woman her on her man's dick
It's like Love
Nobodies Trick
It's like Love, Man
It's like mashing pain to the back of your mind,
his passion infraction rearing it's ugly head,
dick and balls unveiled virgin eyes to devil lies,
her wince at the blood on her thighs
It's like love
Impossible to Exorcise
It's like speaking of head of living and giving it bad,
not badly but bad, and sadly scraping and scratching
with teeth awaiting the leaking of the good thing …
the teeth made tongue impossible to retrieve
It's like love,
Impossible to deceive
It's like love, Man
Words not taken yet given fresh dug up from the soil,
mind and carpal tunnel toil, disloyalty to his-story, and hers,
unfoiled interjections, confessions, obsessions,
words unleashing verbs, thoughts so profound, often
shunned, never unfounded but often … un-found yet … ever groin'
It's like love
It's like this poem