Ain't No Stoppin Me Now

by SistaTradea

I was once vibrant and strong

I thought nothing could go wrong

But, life's adversities pulled me down

So, If you've ever been

held down before

I know you refuse to be

Held down anymore

Then, I was cursed with Cancer

Just when I thought nothing else could go wrong

I began singing my favorite song

Felt myself getting strong

"I gotta life to live

and a whole lotta lovin

that I wanna give

But, before I give it up

Let me think, cause

I don't need no misery

So, just let me be free

Now, my life is so much better

Cause, I'm getten myself together

God has blessed me

Only good things do I now see

Can't nothin stand in ma way

Ain't no stoppen me now, I see a brighter day

Ain't no stopping me now, cause

I'm on the move

Ain't no stopping me now, cause

I sho-enuf got the groove

Ain't No Stoppin Me Now by SistaTradea

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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