Slavery No More, But Racism Still Exists, Part 2

by SistaTrudy66

The year 1970
Brothers in jail.  
Got to get out of this hell.  
Why is it mostly blacks in here?  
Some completely out of wack in here.  
Nothin ever changes.  
Jim Crow System just re-arrange us.  

Convicted Blacks of petty crime, 
who are unable to pay the fine,
 but suddenly doin hard time.
Won't go back to my environment.  
I'll get outta this confinement 
get my masters degree, 
so I can be who I wanna be

1990's  Just because there is some black on black crime, 
that gives white racist cops no right 
to shoot and kill Diallo
and not do any time
We have our dignity
So let's live together 


Slavery No More, But Racism Still Exists, Part 2 by SistaTrudy66

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