
by Adrienne Folmar

Next time I look in the mirror, I’m just gonna try to see me
Not some superficial image of who they want me to be.
If my eyes are deep dark brown, that’s what my momma gave me
If my lips are kind of full, well
That’s just how my daddy made me.
Generations of our women have had some hips as wide as mine
And we’re known for being a bit heavy up top
But hey, a cup this full takes time.
Lean back and see, I can fill some jeans
But it ain’t all about form and face
The love in my heart is also oversized
And with my voice I take up space.
I don’t need to pose nude for you to notice me
Or have my face on your magazine
When the going gets tough, people count on me
And as a friend I reign supreme.
Go on, keep your awards! Among true friends I’m adored;
I’m not in awe just because you play ball.
You bump and grind on stage, act out a scene, turn the page-
But my reputation never fades at all.
Popping pills, making deals, sitting high on the hill
Imagining others will envy you for that?
But when your 15 minutes are gone,
I’m still alert and still strong
At the end of the day, dignity still intact.
When we take a moment to reflect, what’s more important than self-respect?
And staying clean in a degrading, immoral society?
So no matter what road you choose, I don’t need to be in the news;
I just want to look in the mirror and be able to see – me.

Mirror by Adrienne Folmar

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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