The Dragon Slayer

by Catherine Flowers

Across the bordered line of emotion,
beneath the settled pain,
in his heart
lies an evil
easily swayed
towards destruction,
and ready
to be seduced by pain.

This evil
better known as
the master's dragon
is supposedly under
lock and key.
Quietly serving 
a life sentence of memories
while waiting for the moment
of rejuvenation.

Yet, the dragon
would be nil
were it not
for the master
who constantly fuels the fire
of which it breathes.

Who constantly remembers
the pain of a past
that's been allowed
a space,
though dark is this place
in his heart.

Then enters a light -
just a flicker at  first,
and the dragon's pace
as it's master
recalls the hurt
from the last light
he tried to reach out to.

But the light grows
yet to touch it
does not burn,
and to hold it
warms his soul -
for this light 
is known as
Jesus Christ.

And He has not come
nay, He is heavily equipped
with love.

So, with one painless thrust
Jesus pierces into his heart,
and the dragon standing guard
cries out.

But the master does not hear,
and his heart
is elated,
for alas, unto him
the dragon

The Dragon Slayer by Catherine Flowers

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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