July 4 (in DC)

by Michael Finley

hearin' that anthem, watchin' the magic lights
launched deep in the darkness of night
'xplosions of soft gold and brilliant blues lit the sky
broke a nigga down, made me want to cry.
Dizzying hallucinogens of patriotism whirled about,
now addicted, I stumble, losing my will to shout
my rage at this place and what it does do
take the needle from my arm, my blood spills red, white and blue
but I wonder have my eyes become blind
because poisoned junkie veins the flag can't hide
sitting in my filth, I still lust for more
so shoot me up again, let me be your black whore

July 4 (in DC) by Michael Finley

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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