by Marilyn S. Ferrell

An arrested judgment,
emotions on a pendulum,
my forethought's now hazy
and I know what's next to come.


Life fades to black
as it becomes a heavy load,
festering like a lesion
that's soon to explode.

Deferred dreams aren't necessarily dead,
trying times are run of the mill,
{and}even those undeserving needs patience;
an inner voice says "chill",
new horizons lies in the palms
of those who are still.

I sense the energy within
awakening me with new hopes,
and trading joys for bitterness...
these benefits won't ever elope.

But in my human nature,
I am stubborn,
and for now, I'll go...


BOOM! by Marilyn S. Ferrell

© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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