
by Marilyn S. Ferrell

I am one of God's anointed,
touched by His wondrous grace.

Anointed holistically, I thrive in closing my eyes 
and breathing Him.

I am one of God's anointed,
and no manner of wicked aims will prosper
as I stand girded
in His words of sanctity and wholeness,
etched in the raven-black boldness embodied
in my every move and velvety laughter
that lays explicitly on the face of every spiritually martyred 
souls who suffers persecution by the enemy,
and who, in the end, will raise many pyramids, unashamed.

Anointed completely, I thrive in closing my eyes and tasting Him.
Anointed, touched in every inch of my being.
Feel the anointing in me.

Anointed by Marilyn S. Ferrell

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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