Carcinogenic love
Stomach churns because of it
Is it the lust of it?
Will acceptance of cancer come easy-thinking of that love?
Love that truly does kill
Not like shot gun-burn up love
More like stress induced physical deterioration
From blind redundancy and growth retardation
Self-preservation becomes extinct
Character of the beast appears unique
Drama from day to day
Still devil’s play
Pacing with worry
So in a hurry
Want things to get right
So very much- so very easy to lose sight
Living life aimlessly
Knowing tomorrow not guaranteed
Letting emotions dictate conversation
Angry dialogue fostering replication
Failing to tame the in mouth beast
Too loud!! Unable to hear spirit speak
Addicted to dramatic love
Need to feel speed -heart palpitations
Causes a euphoric sensation
While toxins travel throughout
Souls fester in mistrust and linger in doubt
Infectious this thing - love in disguise
Unrecognized - ultimate demise