There Will Soon Come A Day

by Fatima Robinson

Caught in the midst of an indecisive,
perplex, perpendicular, and pious nation,
but one thing you can rest assure, there will soon come a day.
When the restitution of a humanity thrust down,
and trampled on, will all find their way.

Lifting their voices as loud as trumpets;
Leaping over the huddle masses in a double somersault round off,
followed by a back flip, and still managing to stand.
Turning away with a shield of resistance the crab syndrome,
which tears and gnaws at the flesh, the Spirit, and the soul.
Forever reaching forward to lend a helping hand.

The transition will extend from season to season.
Undeniably, it will run its course of time.
When my Brothas and my Sistas will get privy to the revelation,
"to pull another as one climbs."

For you see, there will soon come a day.

With technology vastly exceeding the wisdom of man,
man continues to experiment.
Seeking the outer limits of what lies beyond mankind.
Money being the underlying motive that nourishes
and stimulates many of the so-called "greats" curiosities:
the ploy of cloning…cloning of the young mind?
Yet, there are those who manage to divert from the robotic, systematic,
handed down version of what society says, should, or should not be.
They are vigilant in manner, unconquerable, and will not sway.

Facing this world's diversities, its challenges, and perserving.
Rejoicing in the understanding, which had lain deeply ingrained
within the hearts of our forefathers.
These patriarchs who took the beatings, bore the loads,
stared at the ridicule, and came eye to eye with the shame.

Although they all concluded…

There will soon come a DAY.

There Will Soon Come A Day by Fatima Robinson

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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